dimanche 30 mars 2014

Happy Sunday x

"Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week." Joseph Addison

I have no better excuse than this spiritual quote, from whoever that it, to organize, plan and hopefully make you feel some type of way relaxed. (cause that's what photography is about, right?) 
However, as you can probably notice that's the second part of last week's post, which was mostly about my outfit. This one is only dedicated to magnificent views I just couldn't leave without taking snaps and my one and only love FOOD. FANCY FOOD.
Hope you will enjoy them, and make sure to stay tune for my future post. It includes something really surprising and special to me. The fact is I have been working on it for such a long time and can't wait for people to see it.
So till next time fellows xx

dimanche 16 mars 2014

Time out.

I went out for lunch two weeks ago. I haven't said those words for such a long time, you just can't imagine. I was really excited about that and it went perfect! I took so many pictures I couldn't just write one post, so this is just the first part. 
As the ambiance was quite fancy and chic, I had to dress (or try to, you tell me) in a correct way so I hope you will like what I came up with: a high waisted skirt with a black simple top, my coat and my little black purse.

Don't forget to check my facebook page or my instagram

dimanche 2 mars 2014

Kooks diary (March edition)

Aloha reader, prepare yourself to read the first essay of this very special new category Kooks Diary! It may not be interesting for everyone but I found it quite nice to have this little session for myself to write about the stupid thoughts that comes into my little wicked head once a month.

Today I went out with my mum; we were in our way to drop my cousins off at their house and suddenly this unusual thing happened. Out of nowhere, a group of borstal young boys (if this isn't too mean) came and stood in front of our car.
The scariest thing was that we were in an empty road. The dumbest thing was that they started pretending they were fighting. But you could easily see their disdainful smiles through the dark. It's like they were trying to stop us from moving. At the time, my mum had one of her attitudinal reflex: honk as strong as she could to make them deaf maybe?
However, I don't know if that worked but after a brief moment they ran away laughing like they have assisted the funniest event of their life.
Now I might be a psychopath but I thought for a second that if I was driving I was probably going to keep on moving and flatten them on the ground, wasn't that what they wanted? Or maybe I played GTA way too many times.
All I could see was a mixture of debauchery, ignorance and alteration. Respect. Yeah respect, this big word with all his meaning, is all I am asking for. Not even for me, torwards my mother for god's sack.   
Am I being too mature, too intolerant? Because seriously all I can think of their act is pejorative, lame, nonsense, stupid, time-wasting, disgusting, perverse... but not funny. How can even someone think it was hilarious? What's the thing that makes people act so dumb? 
I just don't get it. I may be wrong I may be right, the truth is I don't identify myself to those people and I  never will.
I can go even deeper and talk about how this kind of people, this kind of mentality will never get our country to succeed in any field but I won't because it can get pretty messed up.